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What should be paid attention to in machine tool operation for chamfering machine?
来源:网站管理员 点击数: 次 更新时间:2019-09-16

What should be paid attention to in machine tool operation for chamfering machine?

Operators must be familiar with the performance and structure of automatic double-headed chamfering machine. We must pay attention to the method of use, the matters needing attention and so on. We must strictly abide by the safe operation system. Before working, we must strictly abide by the rules for operators. For the regulation of lubricating oil, it is necessary to check whether the content of lubricating oil is lacking in time. If there is a lack of lubricating oil, it is necessary to add lubricating oil to the automatic double-headed chamfering machine in time. Because each shift is required, it is stipulated to add 2 to 3 times of lubricant to the tool rod support.

Especially in the process of machine tool operation, the operator must always pay attention to the sound of the operation of each part of the automatic double-headed chamfering machine, pay attention to the temperature and lubrication during operation, etc. If there are abnormal details, stop operation immediately and troubleshoot immediately.